Java Programming

Java Programming

After deciding to learn Java, I reached out to a friend and borrowed some old notes. I worked my way through the various booklets and exercises, and in the end I had grasped a basic understanding of the programming language. Some of the things that I learned from these booklets included, Variables, Operators, Expressions, Etatements, Blocks, and Control Flow Statements. At this stage, I had created some basic Java programs that were all console-based.

The Journey Begins

Following this, I decided that I wanted to further my understading of the language, and so I turned to the internet where I found websites and videos perfect for learning more about Java. Here, I leanred various things inclduing ways to make code more efficient. One way this could be done was through the use of an 'Enhanced For Loop.' It was here that I was also introduced to the JFrame Swing components. This Java library essentially allows Java programs to be run in a window. This window varies in appearance according to the operating system that the program is run on.

First Project

For my first Java project, I decided to create a basic calculator program which can be seen in the above image. This program use various components from the Java Swing library, as well as Action Listeners. This meant that I was able to input numbers into the calculator's display as well as carry out basic functions.
As of right now, I am currently learning from the Head First: Java book and also working on other projects.

Calculator Program

If you want to try out the Calculator program that I created, you can click the 'Download' button below.
Please note: When the program is downloaded, your browser will likely inform you that the file may cause harm to your computer. This is beacause I do not have an HTTPS certificate on this website.

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