3ds max

3DS Max

As part of my Game Development course, one task that I was given, was to create a room based on a theme of my choosing using 3ds Max. Throughout this course, I was introduced to the fundamentals of the program and began creating simple objects such as tables and chairs. After improving my skills and getting help were needed, I was then able to start modelling the room. All of the objects in the room were created in their own individual scenes, and then imported into a single scene at the end. In this final scene, I experimented with many different aspects, such as the lighting and the choice of renderer. I found that these elements had a noticable impact on the final appearance of the room. Since lighting was used, I also had to implement and experiment with shadows and textures that had been applied to the objects.

Initial Design

For my inital idea, I had to planned to create a basic Japanese-style room. Soon after, I realised that the objects that would need to be placed in this room, would be too complicated for me to create. Given some thought, I then decided to create a games room. This room would have various objects in it, randing from modern technologies to a sofa a some collectible items. Following this, I drew up a list of all of the objects that i had planned to craete and then place in the room. Upon creating the list, I realised that some of the objects would be fairly complicated to create, and would take a lot longer than others. With this is mind, I set out creating all of the objects that were to be used in the room.

Textures and Lighting

After creating all of the objects, which took a considerable amount of time, I then had to add textures too the objects keeping in mind the global lighting effects that would be used in the room also. At this point, I also added extra modifiers to some of the objects to make them appear more realistic. One of the objects that needed an additional modifier was the rug. To make it appear more realistic, I added the 'Hair and Fur' modifier which creating a life-like hair effect on top of the object. Aside from this, I applied suitable textures to the rest of the objects in the room. I also applied 'Fresnel Reflections,' which creates a reflective texture surface to objects that needed it.

Final Product

After applying all of the textures, scaling all of the objects to the ccorrect sizes and positioning them accrodingly in the room, I was then finished with the project. If you want to see the completed room, please see the embedded window below. With these new skills, I will now work on developing the Japanese-style room that I initially wanted to create.
Please Note: This window was added to the website through the use of Sketchfab. The 3ds file was exported and thenuploaded to the website. I then simply copied the 'Embed Link' which was then pasted into the website.

Games Room by Kyle Weir (portalmaker123) on Sketchfab

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